Eliminate the Use of Plastic Bags at the UIC Bookstore

Project Timeline:

Will take less than 6 months of the school talking to the bookstore to get them to agree on eliminating bags at the store.

Project description:

To completely eliminate the use of plastic bags at the UIC Bookstore. Similar to how chain stores in the city stopped using plastic bags. I work at the bookstore and many of our customers don’t want a bag anyway. All online orders don’t get plastic bags or boxes anymore we use reusable bags, like the ones you get at events or pay $1-2 for at the store. Furthermore, we will have a reusable bag drive on campus where like 200 students get a UIC reusable bag and tell them about the elimination of plastic bags in the Bookstore. Also we will send a massive email and post a sign on the bookstore’s main entrance to inform them about the change .

Preliminary Budget:

  • To buy the reusable bags will cost like around .59 cents per bag, therefore 200 bags will cost like $118 (Cheaptote.com).
  • Plus like $50 or less for a sign to put outside the UIC Bookstore (Vistaprint.com).




4 thoughts on “Eliminate the Use of Plastic Bags at the UIC Bookstore

  1. I think this is a brilliant idea to help cut back on plastic. Also, a lot of the time students come to buy a few books they could easily fit in their backpack, and this could prevent the unnecessary usage of plastic in those situations.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is another great idea for reducing our dependence on plastics. I would also like to add that there are many grocery stores that offer a .05 cent credit per bag if you bring in your own, so that may be an incentive the bookstore could implement as well.


  3. I think its a great idea to get rid of plastic bags at the bookstore. I feel like a lot of students would opt for reusable bags anyways because you can use the reusable bag for more purposes than a plastic bag.


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